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Woody Lol

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had my sons dog woody all this week, he is little jack with bit chihuahua in him, he looks 95% and acts like a jack . he feisty little bugger he already sorted out my 2 dogs, he bitten Buck tail, and old Bryn tail , they both piss off from him , woody like a mini rottie . He loves my wife he lays by her feet watching over her. He brill watch dog , he sharp as hell, postman etc anybody knocking about he there growling . i am hard of hearing so he deff let me know , ive always said good little jack take some beating as watch dog, he small dont take no room up, dont eat alot spot on really , ok he wouldnt stop a bloke like a big gsd or boerboel like my mates got , but not everybody wants a 100 lb+ type dog knocking about . he goes back sunday and a week enough with him lol, suppose having my 2 who never bark and are docile dogs , woody like little nutter lol, my son + mrs love him he deff character :D



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He looks full of beans :thumbs: you can't beat a mouse hound for character.

he deff full of him self , my 2 dogs keep well away from him , he the boss of them , and would protect the wife , he little nutter lol

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looks like plummer terrier colours -but your right looks ready for action and n good fettle

thanks, just watched the post with the jack diving in the sea with its owner , jacks deff brave little dogs and nuts like woody :D

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That's all most people need a little yapper, most don't need theses massive types yeah they look impressive but a little yapper letting you know some fckers about is about what most need, a lot less hassle also.


Iv a few mates (not dog lads) there wife's have little yorkies or Chihuahua or what ever them little things don't give you a chance too get out the car never mind up the driveway before there going hell for leather... Not man stoppers but a fcking good deferent!



I total understand why some lads keep the bigger types and have then steady as anything till its time to switch, its the nobs that's got theses big 80lb/100lb ain't got a clue just want something on the end of a chain be it lead or box and chain and just bite anything that moves theses would be the same dip shits that would panic and run off and leave the dog mauling someone cause they wouldn't know what to do

Edited by Moja
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Can't beat a Russell for a watchdog, my Ma has a staff with a touch of JRT in and he's the same, you only have to fart outside her house for him to go mad at the window :laugh: and he's not shy about firing into a man if they don't take his warning seriously either ;)

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We got little Lhasa ,they were orginally watchdogs in Tibet, she's the same,though we got problems with her temperament since her last season,constantly ripping the wifes chihuahua a new arsehole.

The Lhasa has taught the doodle to bark when visitors call,which I don't mind .

Wife also got a jr x chihuahua little tan prick eared thing and don't hear peep out of her .

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Can't beat a Russell for a watchdog, my Ma has a staff with a touch of JRT in and he's the same, you only have to fart outside her house for him to go mad at the window :laugh: and he's not shy about firing into a man if they don't take his warning seriously either ;) ,

and these jacks got strong jaw, for little dogs deff, woody grabs his lead when walking, and dont loose it, he will hang with it with his jaw clamped tight even 3ft of the floor lol, if he got on to your ankle it would bloody hurt :yes: so your Ma staff x would do some damage :yes:

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Can't beat a Russell for a watchdog, my Ma has a staff with a touch of JRT in and he's the same, you only have to fart outside her house for him to go mad at the window :laugh: and he's not shy about firing into a man if they don't take his warning seriously either ;) ,

and these jacks got strong jaw, for little dogs deff, woody grabs his lead when walking, and dont loose it, he will hang with it with his jaw clamped tight even 3ft of the floor lol, if he got on to your ankle it would bloody hurt :yes: so your Ma staff x would do some damage :yes:

Aye they might not be enough to stop a really determined man but having a wee JRT hanging off your leg will definitely ruin your day.


He certainly can do some damage :laugh: the little shit bit my finger years ago and I've still got a bit of nerve damage in the tip, can't feel anything on the left side of it.

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Can't beat a Russell for a watchdog, my Ma has a staff with a touch of JRT in and he's the same, you only have to fart outside her house for him to go mad at the window :laugh: and he's not shy about firing into a man if they don't take his warning seriously either ;) ,

and these jacks got strong jaw, for little dogs deff, woody grabs his lead when walking, and dont loose it, he will hang with it with his jaw clamped tight even 3ft of the floor lol, if he got on to your ankle it would bloody hurt :yes: so your Ma staff x would do some damage :yes:

Aye they might not be enough to stop a really determined man but having a wee JRT hanging off your leg will definitely ruin your day.


He certainly can do some damage :laugh: the little shit bit my finger years ago and I've still got a bit of nerve damage in the tip, can't feel anything on the left side of it.


lol, you got admire these little shits dont you :D

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